Thursday, December 13, 2012

Be Just Fear Not
      In life we have plenty of things that cause fear in our hearts. War abroad, violence at home, the fact that most of us live one paycheck away from total financial collapse, sickness we cant afford to treat, the possibility of going thru life being unknown or uncared for. Fear is a mechanism our brain uses to keep us from walking headlong and unaware off into something bad or worse the abyss. It is your sub-conscious helping you choose the right path. We cannot cancel our fears out completely but we can use it as our ally. Listen to it. Instead of running from your fear, face it. Look it in the eye. It is trying to tell you something. It is flailing a red flag at a bad situation or a bad choice. Use this as motivation to overcome or at least balance these things with the rest of your life. Running away leaves it unaddressed. Some of us run away by putting our heads in the sand when it comes to global and political issues, major life decisions, all the way down to every day fears like "How am I gonna get thru another day..?". Many of us turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, self-indulgence, overspending or overworking. What ever it takes to dull your senses for an hour or two.

      If you understand upfront that fear can be used to guide or push you in the right direction, you can move towards it without hesitation.
Do right! Be honorable! Have courage!